How to starve yourself
Starving Can Be Good Sometimes There are various reasons for starving. Some people deprive themselves of food for religious reasons, which serve to purge their bodies from all earthly indulgences...

Calories in shawarma
Information on Shawarma Shawarma is among the most popular Middle Eastern dishes. It is a wrap commonly served with pita bread, cucumber, lavash bread, tomatoes, tabouli salad, taboon bread, and...

Centrum silver side effects
Information on Centrum Silver Centrum silver is a specific brand of multivitamin supplements. Centrum silver supplements contain various essential minerals and vitamins, which are very important for the human body...

Monster drink side effects
Monster Energy Drink The Monster Drink can cause some side effects which is something most people are unaware of. We will talk more about this in the following text. We...

Muscle milk side effects and benefits
Muscle Milk is a protein supplement drink. It is advertised as being comparable to breast milk, or cow colostrum. This drink, according to the manufacturers, contains no lactose, no trans-fats...

Bandage wrapping - bandaging techniques
The Purpose of Bandages Bandages are medical items used for either securing and treating one's injuries or for keeping a medical dressing in place on someone's body. For these purposes...

How does the common cold affect your body
Understanding Common Cold The common cold is a viral infection of our upper respiratory system, mainly manifesting through coughing, sore throat, hoarseness, and several other symptoms. However, once you start...

Benefits of tanning bed
Indoor Tanning and Tanning Beds A tanning bed is an indoor device that emits ultraviolet radiation with the help of several fluorescent lamps and is commonly used to obtain a...

Types of gastric bypass surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is the type of surgical procedure usually performed on obese patients to lose weight. This surgery changes the anatomy of the patient’s stomach, creating a smaller stomach...

Starchy foods list
Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all necessary for the normal and healthy functioning of the body. As for carbs, there are three different types, including sugar, starch, and dietary fibers...

Pectoral muscles facts
Several muscle groups should be exercised. Some would say that all muscles should be equally developed, but that is hard to achieve and usually leads to professional bodybuilding, which takes...