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How does the common cold affect your body

How does the common cold affect your body

Understanding Common Cold The common cold is a viral infection of our upper respiratory system, mainly manifesting through coughing, sore throat, hoarseness, and several other symptoms. However, once you start...

Benefits of tanning bed

Benefits of tanning bed

Indoor Tanning and Tanning Beds A tanning bed is an indoor device that emits ultraviolet radiation with the help of several fluorescent lamps and is commonly used to obtain a...

Olestra side effects

Olestra side effects

What is Olestra and When Should it be Used? Olestra is a chemical substitute for fat, and it belongs to the group of fats that are not absorbed in the...

High alkaline phosphatase

High alkaline phosphatase

Alkaline phosphatase (abbreviated as ALP) is a group of hydrolase enzymes present in the human body. There are several ALP isoenzymes, known as ALP1, ALP2 and ALP3. ALP1 is usually...

Centipede bite facts

Centipede bite facts

When people think of bugs and insects that bite, they usually think of spiders, ants, mosquitoes, wasps, and bees, not centipedes. But centipedes sometimes do bite, and it is good...

Massage chairs assist edema sufferers

Massage chairs assist edema sufferers

People who suffer from edema know that sometimes it can be difficult to cope with this problem. It is not debilitating, but it does cause discomfort, limits activity, and looks...

Normal oxygen levels

Normal oxygen levels

Oxygen Levels Oxygen is very important for the survival of humans. When a person breathes, he/she inhales the air. One of the ingredients of the air is oxygen. The respiratory...

Dangers and risks of belly button piercing

Dangers and risks of belly button piercing

In this article, we will tell you about the experience of a young woman who had a bad experience with a belly button piercing. How many young girls have wished...

Cleaners and kawasaki disease

Cleaners and kawasaki disease

We will talk about the cleaners that contain toxins. Exposure to products that contain such toxins can lead to some serious problems. Once the problem is present, the person in...

Too much potassium side effects

Too much potassium side effects

Potassium is one of the most important elements needed for the body's function along with maintenance and growth. But everything in life has to be taken in the normal quantities...