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Signs of enlarged liver

Signs of enlarged liver

The Liver and Its Functions The liver is a very important gland in the human body. It is located in the abdomen in the upper right part, right below the...

Intestinal infection caused by antibiotics

Intestinal infection caused by antibiotics

Intestinal infections may be caused by various pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, yeast, and fungi, as well as by mold, parasites, or improper hygiene. This problem may be very serious...

Hydrochloric acid in stomach

Hydrochloric acid in stomach

The stomach, as a part of the digestive tract, plays a role in digesting food. Food travels from the mouth and esophagus to the stomach which chemically breaks down the...

Surgery for hiatal hernia

Surgery for hiatal hernia

The Causes and Symptoms of Hiatal Hernia Hiatal hernia is a condition in which the stomach bulges into the chest cavity, mostly due to the weakened or defective muscle, which...

Complications of liver biopsy

Complications of liver biopsy

When an examination of the liver has to be performed, a procedure called liver biopsy is done. During this procedure, a part of the liver tissue has to be taken...

Sharp pain in lower abdomen

Sharp pain in lower abdomen

There is hardly anyone in the world who has never felt pain in some part of his/her stomach. This pain is not always related to some serious condition. It can...

Foods to avoid gallstones

Foods to avoid gallstones

Gallbladder is an internal organ located below the liver. This small, sack-shaped organ stores bile, which is a greenish or brownish liquid produced by the liver. Bile, which assists...

Complications after colostomy

Complications after colostomy

Complications of Colostomy Colostomy is a surgical procedure in which an opening on the front wall of the abdomen is made to ease the removal of feces after extensive operations...

Complications after fistula surgery

Complications after fistula surgery

An anal fistula is an unnatural connection between the anal canal and the nearby skin. It can develop as a consequence of abscess in this area. The problem with anal...

Causes of malabsorption

Causes of malabsorption

Malabsorption is insufficient absorption of nutrients. This medical condition is also accompanied by vitamin and mineral deficiency. There is a variety of medical conditions that can lead to malabsorption. They...