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Dangers of Mineral Oil

In 2008, Mineral Oil has still been in use, even though it is dangerous and toxic. People are not aware that they should not use it since it is made from either petroleum or crude extract.

The other name for mineral oil is Petroleum Jelly. Many medical products used as medications or in chemotherapy, for instance, are still being made with the use of petroleum. It is the Rockefellers who took advantage of Americans being ignorant and unsuspecting to take over the medical industry and introduce petroleum-based products.

Because of that, nowadays petroleum can be found in many items. Some of those things include drug products, female vaginal sanitary products, baby care products, auto industry supplies, and even some foods.

People should know that mineral oil should never be applied to the hair or skin because it clogs the pores and suffocates the skin. Babies are even in more danger since they can not do things themselves. Because they do not know it contains petroleum, parents are using shampoos like Johnson's which will lead to their babies having dry and hard skin. Johnson's is just one of many baby products with petroleum in it.

African-Americans are using petroleum or crude oil on their hair to get the wavy hair effect. A lot of females in the United States are using lipsticks and make-up removers that contain petroleum without knowing that it is bad for them. Apart from these cosmetic products, a lot of vaginal products have petroleum in them. Things like K-y Jelly lubricant and Vagisil feminine deodorant powder are only some of them.

The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between exposure to mineral oil and the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and in addition to perform a separate analysis on the major subphenotypes for the disease; namely, rheumatoid factor (RF)-positive RA, RF-negative RA, anticitrulline-positive RA and anticitrulline-negative RA, respectively.
  • A population-based case–control study of incident cases of RA was performed among the population aged 18–70 years in a defined area of Sweden during May 1996–December 2003.
  • A case was defined as an individual from the study base who for the first time received a diagnosis of RA according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria of 1987. Controls were randomly selected from the study base with consideration taken for age, gender and residential area. Cases (n = 1,419) and controls (n = 1,674) answered an extensive questionnaire regarding lifestyle factors and occupational exposures, including different types of mineral oils. Sera from cases and controls were investigated for RF and anticitrulline antibodies.
  • Among men, exposure to any mineral oil was associated with a 30% increased relative risk of developing RA (relative risk = 1.3, 95% confidence interval = 1.0–1.7). When cases were subdivided into RF-positive RA and RF-negative RA, an increased risk was only observed for RF-positive RA (relative risk = 1.4, 95% confidence interval 1.0–2.0).
  • When RA cases were subdivided according to the presence of anticitrulline antibodies, an increased risk associated with exposure to any mineral oil was observed only for anticitrulline-positive RA (relative risk = 1.6, 95% confidence interval = 1.1–2.2).
  • Analysis of the interaction between oil exposure and the presence of HLA-DR shared epitope genes regarding the incidence of RA indicated that the increased risk associated with exposure to mineral oil was not related to the presence of shared epitope genotypes.
✓ Fact confirmed: Association between occupational exposure to mineral oil and rheumatoid arthritis: results from the Swedish EIRA case–control study Berit Sverdrup, Henrik Källberg, Camilla Bengtsson, Ingvar Lundberg, Leonid Padyukov, Lars Alfredsson, Lars Klareskog; 23 September 2005

Natural Alternatives to Mineral Oil

Many agree on the fact that the things one puts on the body should be harmless, if not completely edible. Following this fact, mineral oil is not good for the human body since it is not edible.

A person should replace mineral oil with natural oils. Some of those oils are olive oil, almond oil, wheat germ oil, grape seed oil, sunflower seed oil, rose hip seed oil, and coconut oil. These are only some of the oils which can replace the mineral oil. A person should notice that these oils are all made from foods.

People who want their skin to look healthier should use jojoba oil, olive oil, coconut oil, rose hip seed oil, and grape seed oil. Jojoba, olive, and coconut oils are excellent for the hair as well.

According to some experts, the best oil for babies and children is “Oz-Oil”.

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