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Physical fitness for the elderly

Physical fitness for the elderly

It is important for the elderly to maintain a proper exercise regime. It is a fact of life that those who are physically fit will live longer and will...

About jujitsu techniques

About jujitsu techniques

Martial arts might be the complete activity, something that will not only create a strong and fit body, but people will also learn something useful, how to defend themselves. What...

Prescription shooting glasses

Prescription shooting glasses

Each Shooter's Necessity All people who enjoy hunting or sport shooting know that you cannot participate in these activities without the proper gear. Not having shooting glasses, in this respect...

Self defense techniques

Self defense techniques

Physical conflict is something that has been a part of human evolution from the day one. Unfortunately, this has been one of the most used methods for solving problems between...

Self defense techniques for kids

Self defense techniques for kids

Children are the most vulnerable members of our society. Being such, their freedom, well-being and happiness can be jeopardized by many factors such as school bullying, verbal and physical abuse...

About judo techniques

About judo techniques

Exercising can be so much more than just strengthening muscles and reducing muscle tissue. This means that there are some sport activities that can be very fun, interesting but also...

Physical fitness components examples

Physical fitness components examples

Physical fitness is an umbrella term encompassing five different aspects. Cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition are all parts of the whole we call physical...

Is it too late to learn kung fu?

Is it too late to learn kung fu?

There are many adults who are interested in martial arts like, for example, kung fu. Yet, they have never tried learning and mastering this fighting skill. Now, these people may...

The karate secret no one wants you to know

The karate secret no one wants you to know

Karate is probably the most misunderstood martial art of all. This may be so due to movies and entertainment programs, often comparing karate with something supernatural. On the other hand...