Starving Can Be Good Sometimes
There are various reasons for starving. Some people deprive themselves of food for religious reasons, which serve to purge their bodies from all earthly indulgences into gluttonous pleasure. However, there are other reasons for reducing food intake. Many people do this to reduce their body weight. Others starve to fight a certain illness or use this metabolic shock for other medical purposes.
All in all, there are situations where fasting can help us. Still, you should not do this without a proper cause since the outcomes of your tantrum may be quite negative. Anyway, the lines below will explain a proper way of starving constructively. Therefore, you will not live on air. Rather, you will eat only the bare necessities.

Starving Diet Plan
Eating a piece of fruit in the morning is a great start. However, sometimes, you might get dizzy from a lack of calories. Then, all you are supposed to do is to have another fruit, but only if you must. Next, you need a lot of water. Water consumption is great for providing you necessary nutrients. However, it will also trick your organism into feeling full, causing your hunger and cravings to stop pestering you.
Also, since less food means less energy, you are advised to sleep more while on this diet. Sleeping will keep you away from food and thoughts about eating, while it will still grant you the energy you will lack when awake. As for tricking your mind some more, you might chew on ice chips or sugarless bubble gums, pretending you are eating something.
Be prepared to feel many mental and physical changes during this period of starvation and learn to control them. Again, do not go overboard and repeat this eating pattern too often. Do not expect results right away either. Your organism needs time to burn all the extra layers of fat you have granted it beforehand. Thus, since you were not eating only once, you cannot expect your pounds to be gone at once.
Finally, this process requires quite some willpower. Therefore, enter it only if you are motivated enough to prevail. Do not start starving in vain, stay persistent, motivated, and focused on the result. Only this way can you muster all the strength you need to achieve positive results through a starving diet. Think about your health and happiness, and then about everything else.
- Intermittent fasting (IF) consists of alternating periods of voluntary fasting and unrestricted caloric consumption and is used in various religious, cultural and personal contexts.
- IF has been shown to facilitate weight-loss and improve glycaemic control among other metabolic processes.
- The exact mechanisms of how IF can improve health are unknown, however, theories derived largely from animal studies suggest increased ketosis, reduction in reactive oxidative species production and/or optimisation of central and peripheral circadian physiological processes.
- Alongside weight-loss, IF has been proposed to reduce systemic inflammation and may be of benefit in patients with certain chronic conditions associated with inflammation, such as metabolic syndrome.
- IF may have metabolic benefits resulting in reductions in weight and waist circumference that are independent of calorie restriction.
- The benefits of IF on body mass and cardiovascular risk factors may be further optimised with the addition of aerobic exercise.
- Modified alternate day fasting has been shown to reduce calorie intake on unrestricted caloric consumption days when individuals practice IF in real world conditions.
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