Children are the most vulnerable members of our society. Being such, their freedom, well-being and happiness can be jeopardized by many factors such as school bullying, verbal and physical abuse, kidnapping etc.
Therefore, it is always good to teach your child how to stand up for him/herself. Naturally, he/she cannot carry a weapon around or hurt the attacker seriously since this will only lead to other kinds of problems. Nevertheless, every child can benefit from being skillful enough to resist any assaults. Self-defense techniques are great for these purposes.

Self Defense and Our Youngest Ones
The first thing every child must know is the names of their parents, the number of the police and their own address. This can help them react adequately in many situations avoiding being lost or being in any kind of dangerous situation.
Secondly, your child must know the difference between dangerous and non-dangerous situations. Once a child can identify a dangerous situation timely, he/she is likely to react before the problem gets out of hand. Thus, these aspects need to be adequately explained to your child. Make sure you give information properly, adjusting it to the age and the understanding levels of your child. Teach him/her to observe different machines, devices, animals and other objects around him/her, reacting in the right way, if something wrong takes place.
The Password Technique
One of the most productive ways of helping your child stay safe is by having him/her memorize a certain password. Then, you need to make sure that your child does not revel the password to anyone and that he/she remembers it well, recalling it when necessary. Teach the child that people who know the same password are the good guys and that they can be trusted. If a person is unfamiliar with the password, he/she should be avoided. Make the password unique so that other people cannot guess it easily.
Other Ways of Child Self-Defense
Never fail to tech your child important reactions in certain situations. For example, let him/her know what to do in case a car starts rushing their way, or if someone unknown desires to speak to them and/or get in physical contact with them.
Sometimes, avoiding conflicts and dangers is not enough, especially when it comes to the safety of girls. Then, teach your children how to react to attacks. Vulnerable spots of any attacker are the eyes, nose, groin, fingers etc. So, these should be bitten, poked, scratched or attacked in any other way, providing time for escaping. Also, teach your child to scream in dire situations, attracting attention of potential help.
Finally, you may add some other techniques of your own. Just make sure your child is capable of dealing with dangerous situations successfully.
- Photo courtesy of SteadyHealth
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