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Exercising can be so much more than just strengthening muscles and reducing muscle tissue. This means that there are some sport activities that can be very fun, interesting but also educational. This goes for martial arts, activity that is different than any other activity. Why is that? Well, the goal with martial arts is to either defeat the opponent, or to defend from the aggressor. This is not something done easily, but years of intensive training can make a person a master in one or even more different martial arts.


Why is there art in the martial art? Because that is what it really is, the art of defeating the opponent by being more skillful, better physically prepared and psychologically ready for a conflict. This last thing is very important, because even great masters can be defeated easily if they are not focused on the battle.

What would be the best martial art? There is none, but there are excellent masters in each martial art. Also, it is hard to compare different martial arts because of the different approach to the matter of defeating the opponent. One of the more interesting martial arts is judo. It originates from Japan, but now it has spread all over the world and it has even become Olympic sport. What is there to know about judo techniques? They are generally based on throwing the opponent.


Throwing the opponent can be done on three different levels, head level, body level and leg level. Each of these areas includes learning about many various methods for disabling the opponent.

Ippon Seoinage is one of the simplest yet most effective techniques in judo. Starting position is face to face and from this position, the thrower grabs the opponent for clothes at the chest level, turns around with turning the back to the opponent but staying very close to him. Then thrower pulls the weight of the opponent on the shoulder, pulls down hands and throws over the opponent. This really seems easy and it actually is, but only if the opponent is not resisting.

The point of this form is to surprise the opponent and to perform throwing as fast as possible. The moment of grabbing and throwing is one of the most important in this situation. Even if the technique is known well, that knowledge of knowing when to start the motion is something that comes after years of training. This is a great technique for defeating stronger opponents.

There are many other throwing techniques and also so-called sacrifice throwing. This throwing can harm the thrower too, but the opponent will still be defeated and that is the final goal.

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