Personal development - does it really work?
An introduction to the basics of personal development One of the keys of personal development (and self-improvement) is the question of accountability. This means that each and every (adult and...

Add selenium to your vitamin regimen
Important to know When it comes to the best possible overall health, it is essential to listen to what your body tells you. Thus, informing in detail on what those...

Donating plasma side effects
Plasma is an important constituent of the human blood. It is a liquid that contains blood cells. Aside from blood cells, plasma also contains several nutrients, such as glucose, protein and...

Swollen ankles in elderly
For most people, old age comes with its fair share of health problems. People find that their body simply does not work as it used to when they were younger...

Never be deprived of enzymes
Basically, enzymes are proteins which better certain chemical processes in our body. During enzymatic reactions substrates, which are initial molecules, are turned into different molecules called products. Enzymes are necessary...

Low body temperature
Normal body temperature is a range — not a number — no matter what you've heard before. Normal body temperature in adult men and women can range from around 92...

Flu: Virus or bacterial infection
Introduction The flu sometimes has symptoms that resemble those of a common cold, and vice versa. A runny nose, sore throat, headache, dry cough and other symptoms are characteristic...

Normal body temperature range
The human body has a temperature range that is considered normal, with temperatures outside of this range considered abnormal. However, remember that different parts of the body have different...

Fluctuating body temperature
The average, and normal, human body temperature hovers at around 36 degrees Celsius, which would be 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit, with some individual differences being expected. The body does regulate its own...

What is Cytokine storm?
What is cytokine storm? Cytokines, an umbrella term for a number of different molecules, are small proteins released by cells; they are cell-signaling molecules in the glial nervous system cells...