In this article, we will tell you about the experience of a young woman who had a bad experience with a belly button piercing. How many young girls have wished to do a belly button piercing once in their life? Some of them have done it, but some still hesitate. So, young ladies, before deciding to visit a tattoo artist, read this article.
How It All Began
This girl was in her best age. She lived with her boyfriend, had a job, and was experiencing life in the best possible way. One of the fun experiences was supposed to be getting her belly button pierced. She chose a tattoo artist, and despite her fear of needles, she took the last atoms of her courage and visited him. Because of her fear of needles, she decided to do it on her own so that her friends would not see how afraid and nervous she was.
After telling the tattooist what she wanted, she was left to choose amongst temporary rings that were on display. He told her that she was supposed to wear a temporary ring for a few months and then she could put on a larger one, and that it was because a body needs some time to get used to a new object.

What Happened
The piercing itself was not as terrible as she imagined. She did not feel as severe pain as she expected, and it was finished very quickly. After the piercing was over, the tattooist gave her a list of instructions that she had to follow.
That list included the appliance of antibiotic ointment, removal of the ring if anything unusual occurred within that area and restraint from pulling the ring. She did not take these instructions as something of high importance because she thought that piercing could not cause serious complications.
The following day, she noticed that something strange was happening with the place where the ring was. The third day after the piercing, the area was warm to the touch, so she called a tattooist to consult. He called to visit him, and after examining her, he sent her immediately to a doctor’s office. There, the doctor explained to her that her body was rejecting the ring, and due to that, the flash was eating itself trying to remove it from the ring.
She experienced a rare allergic reaction. She had to drink antibiotics for seven days, and an ugly scar was a reminder of what might have happened.
The doctor also explained to her how much danger a belly button piercing brings, and that the outcome can even be death. So, if you are thinking about getting your belly button pierced, you should be aware of all the possible risks and dangers.
If you are sensitive to jewelry, you are more likely to reject piercing. If you are aware of all of the above and still want to proceed, then take good care and monitor the recovery of the pierced area.
- Complications vary depending on the body-piercing site, materials used, experience of the practitioner, hygiene regimens, and aftercare by the recipient. Localized infections are common.
- Systemic infections such as viral hepatitis and toxic shock syndrome and distant infections such as endocarditis and brain abscesses have been reported.
- Other general complications include allergic contact dermatitis (e.g. from nickel or latex), bleeding, scarring and keloid formation, nerve damage, and interference with medical procedures such as intubation and blood/organ donation. Site-specific complications have been reported.
- Oral piercings may lead to difficulty speaking and eating, excessive salivation, and dental problems.
- Oral and nasal piercings may be aspirated or become embedded, requiring surgical removal. Piercing tracts in the ear, nipple, and navel are prone to tearing.
- Galactorrhea may be caused by stimulation from a nipple piercing. Genital piercings may lead to infertility secondary to infection, and obstruction of the urethra secondary to scar formation. In men, priapism and fistula formation may occur.
- Photo courtesy of Katheryn Collins by Flickr:
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