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Dwarfism life expectancy

Dwarfism life expectancy

Dwarfism is a medical condition that manifests as a short stature. Dwarfism is frequently defined as having an adult height of less than 4 feet and 10 inches, the metric equivalent...

Health benefits of mushrooms

Health benefits of mushrooms

Unorthodox vegetable Despite the fact that many people would not consider it as such, in the greatest majority of cases, mushrooms are actually made proud members of the vegetables' family...

Your friendly neighborhood hypnotist

Your friendly neighborhood hypnotist

Sometimes, we are the main cause of our misfortunes. Basically, we create boundaries for ourselves, having our subconscious mind forcing us to do something we will regret later, living unhappy...

Coffee and breastfeeding: is that OK?

Coffee and breastfeeding: is that OK?

Are you caffeine free throughout your pregnancy, to protect your baby's health? If you're anything like me, you may be dying for a nice espresso half an hour after giving...

Healthy eating and trying for a baby

Healthy eating and trying for a baby

When you are newly trying to conceive, everyone reminds you to take your folic acid and often a multivitamin tablet as well. But eating a healthy and balanced diet is...

Are silica beads toxic?

Are silica beads toxic?

Everyone has seen them those little silica bags with little beads or balls inside. They are meant to keep products dry, and you can find them in clothes, gifts, and...

Why should you use coconut oil?

Why should you use coconut oil?

Has anyone told you to give coconut oil a try, both in food and for cosmetic uses? You probably want to know what is so special about coconut oil and...