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Is an exercise trampoline worth the hype?

Is an exercise trampoline worth the hype?

When it comes to losing weight, it can freely be said that people are prepared to do everything. The problem is that everything might not be so effective as the...

Isometrics for the physically challenged

Isometrics for the physically challenged

A Introduction to Isometrics ExercisesIsometric exercises involve physical exercise of the kind when a person does not change the joint angle and muscle length during contraction. Compared to concentric or...

Thigh exercises with exercise ball

Thigh exercises with exercise ball

Exercise ball is an excellent tool for performing many various exercising techniques. With the help of exercise ball, many properties of the body can be increased, such as elasticity, flexibility...

Endurance training philosophy

Endurance training philosophy

Endurance training is a very effective form of exercise and many people practice it. However, around Europe, there are several different methodologies when it comes to ways and rules, as...

Do exercise ball videos work?

Do exercise ball videos work?

What is the main problem with exercising and being inefficient about it? The problem is, as always, in the head of the practitioner. What does this mean? Starting with exercising...

Workout for Women with PCOS

Workout for Women with PCOS

Another step closer to weight loss for women with PCOS is 30 minutes of moderate cardio exercise. Cardio workout is the workout that is often recommended when person wants to...