How to treat chronic bursitis
Introduction to Bursitis Chronic bursitis is a chronic inflammation of the bursa, which is a sac of lubricating fluid with one purpose; the reduction of friction between the tendons and...

Ankle pain but no swelling
Manifestations of an Ankle Injury In the event that we injure our ankle, or any other part of our body for that matter, one thing is for sure. We are bound...

Comminuted fracture treatment
A comminuted fracture is a type of bone fracture that results in the presence of three or more bone fragments, sometimes splintering into many individual sections. A comminuted fracture is...

Bone spur in hand
A bone spur, also called an osteophyte, is an smooth and hard outgrowth on a bone. Bone spurs grow on places where two bones meet (joints) or where ligaments and...

Painful middle toe joint
Painful Middle Toe: What is it? The type of pain you will have when your middle toe hurts is also commonly referred to as the hammer toe, and it comes about...

All about protruding sternum
The sternum (also called the breast bone) is an important part of the thorax, the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen. Together with the ribs, the...

Legs ache after drinking alcohol
Everyone knows that drinking too much alcohol, especially on a regular basis, should be avoided because excessive drinking can cause serious and chronic health problems. Taking an alcoholic drink or...

Burning hands sensation
A Burning Sensation in Your Hands The condition of having a burning sensation in your hands is not to be taken lightly. Namely, in addition to one's inability to lead a fully functional...

Pain above knee cap
Pain above the knee cap is a surprisingly common condition. This type of pain usually affects aging people or athletes (both recreational and professional). The pain that surrounds the...

Chronic muscle spasms causes and treatment
Muscle spasms — in which a muscle tenses and cramps spontaneously — may be acute and they can also appear in a chronic form. If muscle spasms become chronic, they...