Chronic bicep pain
Bicep muscles Many sports people who engage theirarms in the exercise tend to suffer from bicep pain occasionally. Thispain is most frequent in the weight lifters and bodybuilders, but...

Hip replacement complications after surgery
Every surgical procedure can have many complications, and so can hip replacement surgery. It is a complex surgery, and in most cases, it has a positive outcome. Rarely, there are...

Complications of cubital tunnel surgery
Occurrence Cubital Tunnel syndrome (CTS) can affect anyone. In most cases, the cause remains unknown, but many medical conditions such as pregnancy rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, and wrist injuries can...

Complications of kyphosis
Kyphosis Kyphosis is the medical term for the forward exaggerated rounding of the upper back, and it is also well-known under the names round back and hunchback. Kyphotic rounding is...

Physical therapy for walking abnormalities
Physical therapy is quite often recommended by doctors to the parents of children who experience certain problems with walking due to an illness, disease or some disability. Kids who...

Lumbar puncture complications
Lumbar puncture (also known as spinal tap) is an invasive procedure which includes insertion of a needle inside the the spinal canal. It is performed to collect samples of...

Complications of quadriplegia
Introduction When both the arms and legs of a person are paralyzed, as they have a condition, that is called quadriplegia. The main cause of such a condition would be...

Rib cage pain on left side
Rib cage pain on left side Rib cage consist of 12 thoracic vertebrae, 24 ribs, sternum-breastbone and the coastal cartilages. It is the coastal cartilages which provide the connection...

Muscle twitching after exercise
If you happen to experience muscle twitches after exercising, rest assured that in most cases, this is not a sign of any serious health problem. Rather, this usually affects muscles...

Symptoms and diagnosis of Thyrotoxic Myopathy
There are not that many people in the world who know what thyrotoxic myopathy is. Those people who do not know should be aware that it is a neuromuscular disorder...