Therapy for rotator cuff surgery
Rotator cuff surgery is practically regarded as the last resort, which means that it is suggested only in cases when all other treatment methods are tried out and none of...

Sharp knee pain
Middleaged people and elderly often visit their doctors about the knee pain they have been experiencing. These pains are very frequent in people of that age, but also among much...

Therapy for sacroiliac joint
In case the person is diagnosed with the inflammation of one or even both sacroiliac joints, the choice of the therapy will greatly depend on the symptoms that have been...

Hypnosis - effective treatment for facial tics
Tics are involuntary, sudden muscle contractions of facial muscle groups. Thus, a person having facial tics may be prone to sudden eye blinking, squinting, nose wrinkling, grimacing or even producing...

Therapy for sciatica
Sciatica and most commonly employed methods of treatment In the greatest majority of cases, people will find that self-care measures of treatment are effective enough and that they can successfully...

What causes muscle twitches
Some people experience small, involuntary and often pain-free twitching in various muscles in their bodies. Random discharge of skeletal muscle fibers is the cause of these twitches and this is...

Muscle twitching in legs
Human body consists of many muscles and muscles connect different tissues in our body. Muscles are normally divided into different categories, depending on their function and composition, so we have...

Sciatic nerve pain causes
Sciatic nerve can become irritated and this will result in the sciatic nerve pain. Human body has numerous nerves varying in size and the sciatic nerve has no match in...

How to stop muscle twitching
Many of us will suffer from twitching in the muscles. This twitching can affect the smaller muscles, such as those in the eyelids, upper lip or behind the ears. However...

Muscle cramps in thighs
Muscle cramps are never a pleasant sensation, but when they appear in the thigh or thighs, they are even more unpleasant. Sharp pain is usually an inevitable accompanying symptom, and...