Manifestations of an Ankle Injury
In the event that we injure our ankle, or any other part of our body for that matter, one thing is for sure. We are bound to experience pain and discomfort. These may be manifested through external physical symptoms such as bruising, swelling and numerous other complications, making our condition worse. However, sometimes, we may hurt our ankle, feel pain, but do not experience any manifestations of swelling.
This, usually, is a good sign since it means that there is no tissue damage of any kind and all our joints, tendons, muscles, and ligaments are in good condition, regardless of the injury. Nevertheless, we are still experiencing pain in these situations and, therefore, it is best to know what caused the pain and injury and what care we should seek for our ankle injury, or how we can care for our pain ourselves.
Lack of Swelling is a Good Sign, but Caution is Required
Having endured an ankle injury without the swelling or bruising of the hurt spot that you would typically expect in these situations is the best possible outcome of this mishap.The absence of swelling means that the ligaments are intact, or are not in greater danger of getting hurt. Nevertheless, we should be extremely careful as long as we experience pain in the area in question. Thus, even though this ankle pain will cause you no difficulties regarding walking or even running or jumping, you should still take it easy. In these cases, do not strain your ankles too hard since this might lead to further damage. Rather, try to provide your bothersome ankle the rest it needs in order for the pain to cease.
Ankle Pain without Swelling: Another Side of This Phenomenon
Instead of directly injuring your ankle, you may also sprain it by taking an incorrect step or performing some other abnormal physical movements as you engage in running, playing sports, or other situations that may be as simple as walking up the stairs. Even though these mishaps are bound to cause (potentially even severe pain) and render you unable to walk normally, swelling may still be absent in some cases. However, ligament damage is always present in cases of a sprained ankle, and you are highly advised to seek medical attention as soon as you experience suffering from a sprained ankle.
Your doctor, after examining your ankle thoroughly, may recommend resting and the application of ice in order to reduce or completely remove both the swelling and the pain you might be experiencing. Even though you might not be experiencing swelling, you might still calm your inflammation down with ice. Alternatively, you may get some anti-inflammatory medications and/or painkillers for these purposes. Finally, immobilization and resting are crucial, and you are recommended to wear bands for these purposes and reduce your usage of the injured ankle to the very minimum.
It is also important to note that while swelling can set in immediately after some kinds of ankle injuries, in other cases, you will not notice any swelling right away. That does not mean it cannot appear later. Even if the injury appeared so minor that you didn't think you would need to see a doctor at first, it is essential to monitor your ankle for worrisome signs. If it gets worse, let your doctor know!
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