Causes of jerking in sleep
Jerking or twitching in your sleep is not a specific medical disorder, but rather only a symptom. Even so, jerking and twitching can disrupt a normal night’s sleep, which always has...

Painful nodules under skin
Painful nodes or lumps under the skin Painful nodes or lumps under the skin are a problem that affects many people, and this condition can strike for several different reasons. These...

Medial collateral ligament sprain treatment
Introduction Medial collateral ligament sprain or tear is one of the most common types of knee related medical problems, and it may affect any person in the world. It commonly...

Back pain's newly discovered cause
Unfamiliar up until now Even though we are led to believe that conventional medicine and endeavors it makes are close to its peak at the moment, such “novelties” as this...

Chronic sacroiliac joint injury
Background Lower back pain is one of the most common problems that not only athletes come across, but all people. However, it is not an easy task for the doctors...

Heel spur exercises
Benefits of heel spur exercisesThe treatment of heel spur is generally focused on resting and applying ice packs until the pain subsides and inflammation starts to settle down. For the...

Cracked rib symptoms
Cracked ribs can result out of trauma to the chest area due to an accident, heavy fall or abuse. Cracked ribs are an injury frequently seen in athletes. Cracked ribs...

Bruised rib review
Symptoms that indicate bruised ribThe rib cage of the human body consists of 24 ribs and they have the role to protect the lungs and the heart. In the greatest...

Pain between shoulder blades
Shoulder Blades PainThere are several possible causes for pain in the shoulder blades. We will deal with this problem in the following text. The shoulder is a joint that is...

About lordosis exercises
Lordosis is a very common spine problem, which most frequently occurs due to the bad posture. The spine of the people who have lordosis is actually curved inward more than...