Everyone knows that drinking too much alcohol, especially on a regular basis, should be avoided because excessive drinking can cause serious and chronic health problems. Taking an alcoholic drink or two occasionally may not be the worst idea you ever had, and some people even say that a glass of red wine has cardiovascular benefits, but drinking alcohol in large amounts could provoke a headache, nausea, vomiting, and clouded judgment, not too mention liver problems if you are a long-term heavy drinker.
So, when it comes to alcohol, the rule of thumb is to try to limit yourself in the evening to avoid morning complications, and only ever drink in moderation.
Leg Pain After Drinking
Besides loud talk, fake confidence, and morning hangovers, some people may experience leg aches after heavy drinking sessions. Leg pain after consuming alcohol is not uncommon problem and it can happen when you drink. Some people experience leg pains after drinking just one glass of wine, while others complain about similar problems when they have huge amounts of alcohol in their system. The severity of a leg ache after binge drinking is also individual. For some patients, the discomfort after drinking mainfests as mildly uncomfortable pain, and for others, leg pain after alcohol can be quite severe.
Why Might Our Legs Hurt When We Drink?
An accumulation of lactic acid in the body and dehydration are probable physiological causes of leg aches in people who drank some (or more than some) alcohol. Just by taking one (or more) alcoholic drinks, there is going to be more lactic acid in your body. Too much lactic acid in the human body is known to lead to cramps and aches of the muscles, so this is one probable explanation what has happened to your legs.
Dehydration after drinking alcohol is another possible reason you may experience leg aches, due to muscle cramps and pains. The severity of your dehydration depends on the amount and type of alcohol you took, as well as whether you had any other liquids during your drinking session.
Drinking plenty of water after a sleepless and drunken night in town may ease your leg pain. People usually don’t remember to drink water before going to bed, especially after consuming copious amounts of alcohol, and they wake up the next morning with pain in the legs. Just take several glasses of water and your leg pain is likely to pass after a while. Carbohydrate-rich food is also beneficial in this situation and it will help you decrease the pain in the legs.
What Else Could Cause Leg Aches?
Stupid things that people do when they drink too much alcohol may also provoke leg pains. Heavy drinking may cause too much dancing, wandering the streets at night (perhaps even in high heels) or standing drunk, trying to cross the road while some car ran over your foot (OK, you would probably actually remember that as you wake up in the emergency room). Maybe you even got into a fight?
Stupid accidents and careless behavior happen, unfortunately. How many times have you seen your drunken friend falling and climbing up and down the stairs to their apartment or someone sleeping in awkward position? Well, these things too may cause leg aches and pains.
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