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Facts about swollen abdomen

Facts about swollen abdomen

Abdominal distention, as it is also called, is marked by the increase in the size of the abdomen. Quite normal causes for the occurrence of the swollen abdomen are pregnancy...

Weight bar exercises

Weight bar exercises

There are many positive effects that are created by regular and intensive physical activity but for most of the men, the first thing they will say they like about sweating...

Maca root benefits

Maca root benefits

Information on MacaMaca is a perennial type of plant which originates from the Andes that are located in Peru and Bolivia It is a tree which prefers some of the...

Weight training programs for softball players

Weight training programs for softball players

Playing SoftballIf you are a softball player, you probably know how important it is to have strong core muscles. Core stability is crucial for this sport and every softball player...

Rumbling stomach noises

Rumbling stomach noises

Rumble and tumbleFor all those who have been wondering what all the racket inside the stomach could stand for, excluding the hunger-aroused craves straight away, the scientific term marks it...

Stomach gurgling noises

Stomach gurgling noises

Almost every person experiences gurgling noises at least once during his or her life. The medical term for gurgling noises is borborygmi. There are various reasons why a person may...

Cross training for fitness and fatloss

Cross training for fitness and fatloss

Exercising has so many forms that there is no way a person cannot find some interesting and effective workout to perform. There are hundreds of exercises, use of additional weight...

Acute yellow atrophy of the liver

Acute yellow atrophy of the liver

Acute yellow atrophy of the liver, also known under the name of malignant jaundice, is a serious disorder that leads to degeneration of the parenchyma of the liver and additional...