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Kids and restaurants: do they combine?

Kids and restaurants: do they combine?

Is taking (young) children out to a restaurant a living nightmare that most parents try once, and then give up on? Or can kids and restaurants combine very well... if...

Can tomatoes help prevent prostate cancer?

Can tomatoes help prevent prostate cancer?

The nutrient lycopene is what gives tomatoes their red color... but this nutrient may also be able slow down the growth of cancer cells, and even destroy them! Dr Midrula...

Hidden dangers: how to baby-proof your home

Hidden dangers: how to baby-proof your home

Baby proofing your home and especially toddler proofing your home involves a lot more than making sure they can't mess with the electricity outlets, and removing toxic cleaning materials from...

Maca root benefits

Maca root benefits

Information on MacaMaca is a perennial type of plant which originates from the Andes that are located in Peru and Bolivia It is a tree which prefers some of the...