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Tips for working mothers

Tips for working mothers

Working out of the home and parenting can bring special challenges but not unique challenges! Whether you love your job, or would rather be at home with your child or...

Trying to conceive a second baby

Trying to conceive a second baby

Trying to conceive a baby is always a big and exciting step. You will have even more factors to consider if you already have a child. You may, for instance...

Pregnancy: craving fast food

Pregnancy: craving fast food

As far as pregnancy signs and symptoms go, cravings are one of the more pleasant ones. According to old wives' tales, a pregnant woman normally craves what her baby needs...

Caring for a newborn and boredom

Caring for a newborn and boredom

You waited for your baby with anticipation during the nine months of pregnancy, and may have been trying to conceive for a good while before that. Now, your sweet baby...

Quit smoking: Tips for a healthy pregnancy

Quit smoking: Tips for a healthy pregnancy

Are you pregnant and trying to beat smoking? Congratulations! Smoking cigarettes is never a healthy habit, but it is particularly harmful to unborn babies. The consequences of smoking through pregnancy...

How to soothe teething pain in infants

How to soothe teething pain in infants

Has your previously mellow and happy baby turned to throwing an all-nighter and crying throughout the day, too? The chances are that you are dealing with teething, if your baby...