Symptoms of high blood sugar
High blood sugar or also known as hyperglycemia is a state of constantly elevated level of sugar in your blood. It is usually symptom of some other disorder in your...

Symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety
As all people are biologically different the list of anxiety symptoms can be large and varied as all axiety suffers will have different experiences.Some anxiety suffers will describe the feeling...

Misdiagnosed yeast infection
GenerThere are cases of the patients that have yeast infection without even knowing it, probably for years. This text will talk about some complications and problems that can arise from...

Training for dogs
IntroductionThe process and goal of the training a dog involves teaching the pet to perform actions in response to commands that the dog is trained to recognize and comprehend. There...

Natural way kill fire ants
Fire antsWe will talk about a problem caused by ants. They can be very tiresome and even dangerous if they bite a person allergic to their bite. In these situations...

Painful legs after running
IntroductionIt is quite common for legs to hurt after a long running session, so that means that most runners experience painful legs. One should worry if the pain experienced after...

How to lose cravings
A craving for a certain kind of food does not include an occasional sudden urge for the some junk food or a general liking of a particular meal. It is...

Herbs for low blood pressure
Causes of Hypotension Blood pressure lower than 100/60 mmHg measured several times is considered as decreased blood pressure (hypotension). For permanently lowered blood pressure or primary hypotension there is no...

Side effects of sotalol
SotalolSotalol is a drug which is used in treatment of heart rhythm disorders. Sotalol improves the blood flow through the heart and blood vessels. Before you start taking this medication...

Symptoms of hookworm
HookwormsInfestation with hookworms is typical in tropical and subtropical areas. Larvae of this parasite can be easily killed by high temperature and wet soil of previously mentioned regions is rather...