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Malignant hyperthermia (MHS)

Malignant hyperthermia (MHS)

Malignant hyperthermia is an inherited disease that causes a rapid rise in body temperature and severe muscle contractions when the affected person receives general anesthesia. Malignant hyperthermia is a cause...

Trazodone overdose facts

Trazodone overdose facts

Depression and other related disorders are very common today. Everyone has experienced some of these disorders at least once in the life. However, in most people, these disorders are very...

Eye serums for dark circles under eyes

Eye serums for dark circles under eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are not the most pleasant thingto see in the mirror when you wake up. This unpleasant symptom may exist evenafter a good night sleep of...

Laser acupuncture facts

Laser acupuncture facts

The New Way of AcupunctureAcupuncture seems to evolve with the times and since today's world is a world run by lasers and sensors instead of mechanical gadgets, new acupuncture seems...

Human hand anatomy

Human hand anatomy

A human hand is a multi-fingered part of the body. It is the distal part of the arm. It allows humans to physically manipulate the environment. Hands are used for...

High cortisol symptoms

High cortisol symptoms

Cortisol The adrenal cortex is responsiblefor the production of the hormone cortisol. The production of this hormone isstimulated by adrenal cortical stimulating hormone. The pituitary gland isresponsible for the secreting...

Low diastolic blood pressure

Low diastolic blood pressure

Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure of the blood on thearterial walls when the heart ends the contraction and relaxes. Systolic bloodpressure is measured when the heart contracts and pushes...

Symptoms and causes of water retention

Symptoms and causes of water retention

Water retention is a medical condition that involves water leaks from the blood into the body tissues. Medically, this condition is also known es edema. Normally the excess fluid is...

Tips to fall asleep

Tips to fall asleep

Falling asleep quicklyLack of sleep can be a troublesome affair, but it is treatable. The ability to sleep within even the smallest timeframes can be learned by obeying certain tried...

Chronic constipation in children

Chronic constipation in children

Constipation and diarrhea are two most common conditions that every person has experienced. While diarrhea refers to the watery stools, constipation is condition marked by hard feces that hardly pass...