Elbow forearm pain
Why does elbow forearm pain occur?The joint in the elbow is certainly a very important part ofthe body, particularly when it comes to hands and their movements, since it alldepends...

South beach diet
When it comes to dieting, it has to be said that there are diets which are very effective but which might not be so good for the health of the...

Alpha lipoic acid - the new antioxidant
Information on Alpha Lipoic AcidAlpha lipoic acid was first discovered in the 1950s and itwas considered to be only a vitamin all the way until 1988 when it was finallyclassified...

The imminent approach of deadline failures
A Great Start of a Deadline StoryDeadlines are great since they motivate us for success and help us achieve certain goals with less effort and better organization. Therefore, it is...

Effective solutions to get rid of cold sores
Introduction to cold soresWe are all very familiar with cold sores, because they occur very regularly in many people and can be very annoying. The first symptom of a cold...

Clinical psychology training
In simple terms, definition of psychology can be: a branch of medical science that relates to mental health. Clinical psychology can be considered as a part of scientific approach toward...

Positive thinking exercises
Out With the Negative OutlookOften, we pull ourselves back with anegative outlook on life. We fail to believe in ourselves andsubsequently fail in all we do, since we never had...

High blood pressure is very sneaky
High blood pressure is a serious medical condition also known as hypertension. High blood pressure is described as abnormally elevated values of pressure at which blood pushes against the arterial...

The art of caregiving
Be a Caregiver or Find OneBeing a caregiver is not an easy task.Yet, many of us may have to consider it, once our parents reach acertain age when care is...

Hair regrowth after chemotherapy
Chemotherapy-Induced Hair LossIn most cases, people who undergochemotherapy lose their hair completely. This is due to specific drugsused in the therapy. Namely, these attack many cells in the body,forcing it...