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Is strep throat contagious

Is strep throat contagious

Bacteria are the reason why strep throat is developed and one of the most mysterious issues regarding this condition is whether it is contagious or not. We will discuss about...

How to prepare for hysterectomy

How to prepare for hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. The surgery may be total (also known as complete), when the surgeons remove both cervix and the body of the uterus, or...

Flaxseed oil vs fish oil

Flaxseed oil vs fish oil

IntroductionFlax seed oil is also sometimes referred to as linseed oil.It gets derived from the seeds of the flax plant. Flax plant goes by thebotanical name of linum usitatissimum and...

Soriatane: your best ally against plaque psoriasis

Soriatane: your best ally against plaque psoriasis

What is Plaque Psoriasis?Plaque psoriasis is the most common form of psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune chronic disease of the skin and joints characterized by scaly skin patches known as...

Is lemon a natural diuretic

Is lemon a natural diuretic

IntroductionThe lemon tree is one of the oldest types of cultivated fruit plants known to man. It originates from the Indian subcontinent and it is very popular because it provides...

History of hypnosis

History of hypnosis

The Beginnings of HypnosisHypnosis is an incredible skill whichis still being developed even though it has been used millions oftimes for many different purposes. Recent discoveries focus its usageon treating...

Got pimples ? try colon cleansing

Got pimples ? try colon cleansing

Healthyis the new hypeWhathas been noticed in the most recent of times is that the increased number ofhealth clubs, gymnasiums, as well as yoga clubs and various other kinds offitness...