Sotalol is a drug which is used in treatment of heart rhythm disorders. Sotalol improves the blood flow through the heart and blood vessels. Before you start taking this medication tell your doctor if you have any other health problems, especially diabetes, lung problems, the thyroid gland disorder, kidney disease or any other heart problems, because the dose of Sotalol would have to be adjusted. Make sure your doctor knows if you have asthma, serious heart problems or any allergies because Sotalol is not recommended in these cases. Also inform your doctor if you are pregnant of if you are breastfeeding. Sotalol will probably not cause any harm to an unborn baby, but it can be passed on to a baby through breastfeeding.Side Effects
The most common side effects of Sotalol are dizziness, headache, tiredness, sleeping disorders, mild nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you experience any of these side effects in a mild form and if they go away after a while, you can continue to use Sotalol because your body has adjusted to this medication. However, if these side effects become severe and persistent, contact your doctor. Serious side effects of Sotalol are pain in the chest, very fast or very slow pulse, excessive perspiration, excessive thirst, faintness and sudden weight gain. Other side effects may include pain in the stomach, pain in the leg, numbness of the extremities, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, vision impairment and fever. Inform your doctor if you notice any of these side effects, so your treatment could be adjusted.Classification
Side effects of Sotalol can be classified according to the body system they affect. Cardiovascular side effects are the most common and they involve problems with the heart. Respiratory side effects involve breathing problems. Gastrointestinal side effects refer to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Dermatologic side effects refer to any skin disorder caused by Sotalol. Side effects which involve the nervous system include headache, faintness and fatigue. The rarest side effects of Sotalol are musculoskeletal, which involve weakness.Allergic Reaction and Overdose
In case you overdosed, you may experience changes in pulse, pain in the chest, breathing difficulties, weakness, faintness, excessive perspiration, swellings, seizures and confusion. An allergic reaction to Sotalol may have symptoms such as swelling of the mouth, throat, tongue or face, breathing difficulties, tension in the chest, and irritation of the skin, rash or itchiness. As soon as you notice any of these symptoms contact your doctor immediately.
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