Placenta previa - what now?
Placenta previa is a placental abnormality that means your placenta is covering the cervix, or is located right next to it. It is a serious medical problem, that can sometimes...
First trimester weight loss
Pregnancy is a time during which you should focus on eating healthily, without worrying about how many calories you are consuming. Everyone knows that pregnant women gain weight, don't they...
An altered libido - wanting more sex, or none at all
An altered libido is really nothing more than a change in the level of your sexual desires. Of course, everyone has a fluctuating libido, and both men and women go...
Symptoms of placental abruption
Placental abruption is a serious pregnancy complication where the placenta, the organ that nourishes the baby, detaches from the uterine wall before birth. Placental abruption can take place during pregnancy...
Blood type plays role in fertility?
Have you ever wondered why some women conceive without any trouble at all after their 35th birthday, while others struggle to get pregnant for years? If you guessed (like me)...
Are there any medical benefits of 4D ultrasound?
Many expectant mothers find ultrasounds to be very exciting. They give you a small glimpse at your unborn baby, and might just tell you a bit more about your baby...
PUPPP: Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy
Most women will go through pregnancy and childbirth without ever having heard about this dreaded condition called PUPPP. When it happens to you, there is no doubt that you will...
An increase in the frequency of urination
Do you find yourself in the restroom every couple of minutes, wondering why you need to pee yet again? Do you have to interrupt important meetings at work to urinate...
UK: More than 100 new moms over 50 last year
Post-menopausal women are having babies more often in the United Kingdom, thanks to government regulations that allow private fertility clinics to treat patients of any age. The National Health Service...
Sore and tender breasts
Sore and tender breasts are a common occurrence when a woman is about to get her period. Just before the onset of menstruation, the female body experiences a surge in...