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Cord blood banking procedure

Cord blood banking procedure

Cord blood banking the collection of blood from a newborn's umbilical cord is a procedure that is gaining in popularity. The stem cells that are collected in this way are...

Missed or late menstrual period

Missed or late menstrual period

A menstrual period that is late, and subsequently does not turn up at all, is one of the most obvious and reliable pregnancy signs! If your monthly cycle has been...

Fetal development in the first trimester

Fetal development in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is a period that is, without a doubt, fascinating. The wonders of pregnancy are often overshadowed by unpleasant signs and symptoms such as morning sickness...

First trimester pregnancy signs

First trimester pregnancy signs

The first trimester of pregnancy is, for many women, the period during which they experience the largest number of unpleasant symptoms. Fatigue and morning sickness are common during this time...