What is a non-stress test (NST)?
If you are pregnant, and in your third trimester, your healthcare provider might want to carry out something called a non-stress test (NST). What purpose does this prenatal test serve...
What is natural family planning (NFP)?
Just like there are many methods available to women to help increase the chances of pregnancy, there are quite a few techniques that can be used to avoid conceiving as...
An increase in appetite - eating for two
For some people, the phrase "eating for two" is pretty much a synonym for pregnancy. Eating for two, as in eating double the amount, has no scientific basis at all...
Witty comments for people who touch your stomach when you are pregnant
If you are currently pregnant, or have ever been pregnant before, you will know exactly what we mean when we talk about total strangers who feel that it is totally...
Pregnancy weight gain
Pregnancy is associated with weight gain, and it is normal for expectant mothers to worry about their weight. Are you gaining enough weight? Are you putting on weight faster than...
Feeling fetal movement
Feeling your baby kick is certainly one of the most beautiful, exciting aspects of any pregnancy! From those small flutters that are barely noticeable, to the powerful and sometimes painful...
A growing uterus
As you leave the first trimester behind, hopefully along with its less pleasant symptoms morning sickness, aversions to certain foods and smells, and extreme fatigue your body will start growing...
Skin changes - impurities on the facial skin
Every woman knows that impurities on the facial skin can appear just before a period sometimes. Some women even notice zits before they start ovulating. Skin changes, and especially impurities...
Stress increases IVF success chances?
Wouldn't you think that being relaxed would increase your chances of getting pregnant when you are going through fertility treatment? Common sense certainly tells me that this is logical. But...
Can flying during pregnancy cause varicose veins?
Varicose veins are an unpleasant condition in which the veins have become enlarged. They can cause cramps, pain, itching and swelling and usually affect the legs, though varicose veins can...