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Should you color your hair during pregnancy?

Should you color your hair during pregnancy?

Should you color your hair while you are expecting a baby? For some reason, this is an extremely common question asked by pregnant women. If you are pregnant, and normally...

When does your embryo become a fetus?

When does your embryo become a fetus?

Most women think about the tiny life they are carrying as a baby as soon as they find out that they are pregnant. That is not inaccurate of course, but...

Fertility clinic success rates in the US

Fertility clinic success rates in the US

When you have become aware that you will need some form of medical intervention to become pregnant, it is only normal that you would like to maximize your chances of...

Genital warts and pregnancy complications

Genital warts and pregnancy complications

Did you know that HPV, the virus that causes genital warts, is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States? But lots of people who are infected with...

Natural treatment for prenatal depression

Natural treatment for prenatal depression

Some estimates say that as much as 10 percent of all pregnant women will deal with prenatal depression - feelings of being depressed during pregnancy. Prenatal depression is as serious...