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Most women will go through pregnancy and childbirth without ever having heard about this dreaded condition called PUPPP. When it happens to you, there is no doubt that you will know about it, though. PUPPP, Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy, is the most common pregnancy skin rash. This rash is most common during first pregnancies, and it usually strikes during the third trimester. What are the symptoms, and is there any cure for PUPPP?

The pathology of PUPPP is almost always the same. This rash first starts as stretch marks on your belly (which are very common!) in the vast majority of cases, and starts at an average gestational length of 35 weeks. The condition is almost always limited to the third trimester, and rarely recurs in subsequent pregnancies. PUPPP soon becomes very itchy, and red spots or wheals develop. While the exact term, Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy, is rarely used and you will normally see the condition talked about in its abbreviated form, PUPP, looking at what those words mean will give you a lot of insight into what it actually is.

Have you ever heard of urticaria, also known as hives? PUPPP is essentially its pregnancy equivalent of this condition. Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy do not pose any risk to you or your baby, but it can sure be very annoying. I have never had it myself, but I did go through an episode of hives, so I can sympathize with you! PUPPP lasts for six weeks on average, with its most heavy, extreme stage normally passing after one to two weeks. The cause of PUPPP is not known. Like other forms of urticaria, PUPPP can be treated with topical steroid creams. Although antihistamines such as Benadryl are not as effective for PUPPP, they are sometimes prescribed as well. Some medication is not safe for pregnant women, or the risks are not well-researched, so discussing treatment options with your healthcare provider in detail is advised.

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