What if your baby is breech?
Discovering that your baby is in a breech position during the later stages of pregnancy can be quite a shock. Depending on your healthcare provider, and whether you are seeing...
Pregnancy test - should you take it while your husband is there?
Many women wonder whether they should take a pregnancy test on their own in the bathroom, or whether their husband or partner has a right to be present at this...
Swollen ankles as a pregnancy symptom
We have already discussed edema, water retention, in general. The most common form of edema during pregnancy is without a doubt swollen ankles. Swollen ankles are often mentioned as a...
Do laptops cause infertility?
Have you ever worried whether spending hours with a laptop in your... lap (well, that's what they are for, no?) could have a negative impact on your fertility? If you...
Post-partum birth control options
When you have just had a baby, life can be stressful. At times, it seems like you have so much to worry about, and so many checklists to go through...
Egg retrieval for IVF
During IVF treatment, a woman's eggs are artificially fertilized with her partner's sperm in a lab setting. They are then placed back into the woman's body, where they will hopefully...
Can smoking during pregnancy cause SIDS?
Smoking in pregnancy is bad news that is common knowledge. But did you know just how serious the consequences can be for your baby? Babies of mothers who smoked while...
Does Chlamydia and PID lead to tubal pregnancies?
Sexually transmitted diseases are always a scary matter. Whether you are considering STD testing, or have already been and are waiting your results, or are newly diagnosed sexually transmitted diseases...
Double and triple prenatal tests - what are they?
Are you in your first trimester of pregnancy and have made a prenatal appointment with an OB, or have already been to one, early screening for birth defects is probably...
Pregnant after 35 - what are the benefits?
Many women in their late thirties, and throughout their forties, are choosing to become mothers and it is only fair to talk about the benefits because they do exist of...