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Hypertension in pregnancy

Hypertension in pregnancy

High blood pressure is, unfortunately, not uncommon during pregnancy. You do not have to have a family history of hypertension to have an elevated blood pressure when you are expecting...

Migraines in pregnancy

Migraines in pregnancy

Migraines are very unpleasant headaches that are characterized by pain in the upper half of the head. The eyes are often affected as well, and feelings of nausea are also...

IVF: pain after embryo transfer

IVF: pain after embryo transfer

IVF has become so widespread now that there is a wide range of information available on the internet. If you are concerned about any step of the IVF procedure, your...

Herbs for a healthy pregnancy

Herbs for a healthy pregnancy

An increasing number of people turn to herbal and alternative healing to promote fertility or treat pregnancy ailments such as morning sickness. Herbs can be potent and effective to treat...

Recurrent genital herpes in pregnancy

Recurrent genital herpes in pregnancy

Women who develop genital herpes for the first time while they are expecting a baby are subject to several serious risks. If a primary genital herpes infection shows up in...

Lunar fertility enhancement

Lunar fertility enhancement

When the subject is fertility, there is no shortage of theories. Theories on how to enhance fertility and to cure infertility are many and varied, from the medically proven to...

Considering assisted fertility?

Considering assisted fertility?

Have you been trying to conceive for an extended period of time? If so, the question whether you are able to get pregnant naturally will be one to come up...

Baby shower planning guide

Baby shower planning guide

If you have a pregnant friend or relative, and you would like to throw them a baby shower, you might feel a little lost. Organizing a baby shower for a...

Herbal remedies for morning sickness

Herbal remedies for morning sickness

Morning sickness is a completely natural part of pregnancy. It is extremely prevalent about three quarters of all pregnant women experience pregnancy nausea and/or vomiting, during the first trimester and...

Lister fertility clinic success rates

Lister fertility clinic success rates

The Lister Fertility Clinic is one of the United Kingdom's most established fertility clinics. They treat around two thousands couples with fertility problems on a yearly basis, and seem like...