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Do you think you are infertile?

Do you think you are infertile?

There are quite a few different reasons why men or women think they might be unable to have children. You might suffer from a condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome...

Having babies very close in age

Having babies very close in age

Every family has their own ideas about optimal child spacing, and every age difference between siblings comes with its very own set of advantages and disadvantages. Are you pregnant again...

Who to invite into the delivery room

Who to invite into the delivery room

Labor and birth are exciting events that are significant for everyone in your family. Labor and birth can be difficult and beautiful all at once, and mothers often feel the...

How to explain pregnancy to your children

How to explain pregnancy to your children

The news that they are going to have a little brother or sister often triggers many fascinating questions in children, but those questions are tricky to answer. Perhaps they want...

What do you need for your baby's nursery?

What do you need for your baby's nursery?

If you are pregnant and preparing for your baby's arrival, the nursery is often one of the biggest priorities. Of course, the nursery involves more than just a crib or...

Early pregnancy to-do list

Early pregnancy to-do list

Have you just found out that you are expecting a baby? It might seem like you have all the time in the world to plan all the things you need...

UK egg donation debate ongoing

UK egg donation debate ongoing

In the United Kingdom, a public debate about egg and sperm donation is ongoing. Britain's fertility watchdog, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA), decided to hold a three-month long...

Egg donation in Russia

Egg donation in Russia

Women who need fertility treatment and are unable to use their own eggs for some reason (previous chemotherapy, genetic disorders, or being post-menopausal are just a few of them) often...

Reasons to become a surrogate mother

Reasons to become a surrogate mother

The reasons why some couples would choose to have a child with the help of a surrogate mother are rather clear when the intended mother is not able to carry...