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Gum disease in pregnancy

Gum disease in pregnancy

Gingivitis, bleeding and painful gums during pregnancy are conditions that are as frequent as they are unpleasant. Lots of women experience some kind of gum problem when they are expecting...

Does perineal massage help prevent tearing?

Does perineal massage help prevent tearing?

The perineum is that part of your skin between your vagina and rectum. As you can no doubt visualize, this area of skin and muscles stretches a lot during childbirth...

Is "too posh to push" a myth?

Is "too posh to push" a myth?

Have you ever heard about women to choose to have a cesarean section for "personal convenience", without medical reasons? C-sections have been on the rise for decades now, and sometimes...

When are you overdue?

When are you overdue?

If your estimated due date has been and gone, it can be frustrating to still be pregnant, and worrying too. But don't let the label "overdue" fool you after all...

What is frozen embryo transfer (FET)?

What is frozen embryo transfer (FET)?

Patients who are undergoing IVF usually start their treatment with the aim to produce as many embryos as possible. The larger the number of high-quality embryos, the larger the chances...

What does the placenta do?

What does the placenta do?

By the time you get your positive pregnancy test, your fertilized egg will have implanted into the lining of the uterus and the tiny embryo will be doing a lot...