Can you conceive naturally with one fallopian tube?
If you have only one (functional) fallopian tube, you might well be concerned about your chances of conceiving, and even wonder whether it is at all possible to get pregnant...

Baby carrier shopping tips
Baby carriers are devices used to hold babies and toddlers close to the parent's body, and they are a wonderfully practical alternative to strollers. For many parents, baby carriers are...

When after birth is the placenta delivered?
During pregnancy, the placenta grows alongside the baby, providing it with the nutrients it needs, regulating waste elimination, and even passing on antibodies. The placenta remains inside the uterus until...

Pregnancy tests - blue dye vs pink dye
A pregnancy test is a pregnancy test, and it does not matter which one you buy because they all do the same thing. Right or wrong? Well, according to many...

Can your pelvis be too small to give birth?
Are you worried that your pelvis is too small to give birth? Has your doctor told you that your pelvis is too small, or rather that your baby is too...

Is sex during pregnancy safe?
Many expectant parents, and it seems men especially, worry about sex during pregnancy. As long as your pregnancy is progressing normally and healthily, there is no reason to be afraid...

Best fertility clinics in India
Fertility tourism is becoming increasingly common, and India has emerged as one of the leaders in this field, especially when it comes to international surrogacy. Traveling to India to undergo...

Preventing Group B Strep - is it possible?
Group B Strep, or GBS, is a relatively common bacterium that is found in the intestinal tract of up to 40 percent of all adults at any given time. Normally...

Natural ways to induce menstruation
Herbs can be used as remedies for many things, and inducing menstruation is among those. What would you want to induce menstruation for? Well, for a start, those women with...

What to wear for labor and delivery
Your laboring outfit is bound to be the last thing on your mind when you are planning your labor and delivery. The simple, uncensored truth of the matter is that...