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What is bacterial vaginosis?

What is bacterial vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis is essentially an overgrowth of normal bacteria that live in the vagina. It does not normally pose any risks, but it is entirely possible for bacterial vaginosis to...

Victoria Beckham is pregnant!

Victoria Beckham is pregnant!

Victoria and David Beckham are expecting their fourth child this summer! The couple already have three gorgeous sons who are 11, eight and five years old. The couple announced their...

Healing from birth trauma

Healing from birth trauma

We are often told a health mother and a healthy baby are all that matters when it comes to childbirth. Yet traumatic births, whether they leave you or your baby...

Should you make a birth plan?

Should you make a birth plan?

A birth plan is a written statement about a woman's preferences for her care during labor and birth. Birth plans are a relatively recent development on the maternity floor, but...

STDs and pregnancy

STDs and pregnancy

Sexually transmittable diseases are always a bit of a taboo, and being diagnosed with an STD when you are pregnant is always unpleasant. Ideally, everyone would undergo STD testing before...

What are Kegel exercises?

What are Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are simple muscle movements that everyone man or woman can do to improve muscle tone in their groin area. These exercises were, unsurprisingly, named after the doctor who...