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Post nasal drip cough

Post nasal drip cough

Overview Post nasal drip is the logical consequence of some more intense inflammation of the upper respiratory system, and it is characterized, as the name already says it all, by...

How to relieve sinus pressure

How to relieve sinus pressure

The problem of the pressure in the sinuses The infection of the sinus cavities, or, to be more exact, of the inner mucous membrane which is located over the walls...

Jaw pain after wisdom tooth extraction

Jaw pain after wisdom tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is never a pleasant experience. During the procedure, patients may feel uncomfortable pressure as well as anxiety, but there will typically be no pain, because dentists use a...

Treatments for blisters on throat

Treatments for blisters on throat

If you believe you are suffering from blisters in your throat, you have every reason to be concerned. Blisters in the throat represent quite an uncommon medical complaint, and...

Tongue cancer symptoms

Tongue cancer symptoms

Tongue cancer is a malignant tumor of the tongue which in a majority of cases originates from the superficial cells of the tongue. The tumor may start growing at...

Salty taste in mouth and lips

Salty taste in mouth and lips

Salty Sensation in the Mouths and Lips There are people who are troubled by quite a peculiar condition. Namely, they seem to be tasting something salty in their mouth...

Gum infection after tooth extraction

Gum infection after tooth extraction

Gum infection: A common but potentially risky problem Gum infection is a common complication after a tooth extraction. If treated properly and caught in a timely manner, a gum...

Natural cure for tonsillitis

Natural cure for tonsillitis

The tonsils are critically important in the prevention of various kinds of infections that tend to enter our body trough our mouth. Contrary to popular opinion, the tonsils are...

Bumps in throat

Bumps in throat

There are a lot of people who have encountered problems with bumps in their throat at least once — and many will have had bumps in the throat repeatedly. Every time...