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Cochlear implants pros and cons

Cochlear implants pros and cons

Cochlear implants are electronic devices also known asbionic ears. These devices are implanted into the ear of a person who can’t hear.After the implantation, the device stimulates auditory nerve...

Ear problem in high altitude

Ear problem in high altitude

We are all familiar with a little click or popping sound in the ear sometimes we swallow. The reason behind such sound is connected with air coming inside the...

Chronic frontal sinusitis

Chronic frontal sinusitis

Frontal sinusitis represents inflammation of the frontal sinus or ethmoid sinuses. This is a serious infection that can be acute or chronic, and if not treated adequately and on time...

Wisdom teeth complications after surgery

Wisdom teeth complications after surgery

Wisdom tooth removal is a relatively simple operation that needs a short period which commonly leads to a full recovery. However, as in any surgical procedure, complications are possible even...

Mouth ulcers on tongue

Mouth ulcers on tongue

Almost everyone has experienced a mouth ulcer on the tongue. It usually makes us very nervous and affects our eating, drinking, and even talking to some extent. These ulcers can...

Swollen uvula and sore throat

Swollen uvula and sore throat

Sore throat and swollen uvula are commonly triggered by various different types of allergies, inflammatory conditions caused by foreign bodies, and poor oral hygiene. This medical condition is very annoying...

Hydrogen peroxide for ear infection

Hydrogen peroxide for ear infection

Hydrogen Peroxide and Its Uses Hydrogen peroxide is a liquid, which is pale blue in color. This liquid has strong oxidizing and bleaching features. The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide...

Hairy tongue syndrome

Hairy tongue syndrome

Human tongue is normally soft and velvety in appearance. This specific appearance is related to the presence of small papillae on the dorsum of the tongue called filiform papillae. The...

Pain in esophagus

Pain in esophagus

Pain in the esophagus can be caused by a number of health conditions. Esophagus is a tube that connects the pharynx (throat) with the stomach and it is around 10...

Fever blisters and fruits

Fever blisters and fruits

Fever blisters (also called cold sores) are skin lesions caused by certain Herpes viruses, more precisely Herpes simplex viruses type one and two. Most people first come in contact with...