Eye pain and sinus
How Are Sinus and Eye Pain Linked? Painful eyes can result from numerous different circumstances, but one possible cause of eye pain can be located in the sinus area —...

Best teeth whitening product - the best methods exposed
These days, everyone wants a great smile. Unfortunately, not everyone has perfect white teeth and even those who do are not immune to the natural discoloration that occurs with age...

How to remove tonsil stones
Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, represent irregularly shaped whitish or yellow and foul-smelling globs of mucus and bacteria. They are caught in the crypts of the tonsils. Tonsil crypts...

Bad breath after tonsillectomy
A tonsilectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils. The tonsils are a pair of lymphoid organs that you usually will not even notice, but they have an important...

Painful popping in ear
Information on 'Popping in the Ears' The sensation of popping in the ears is a medical condition which can be rather painful and annoying in certain cases. Sometimes the popping...

Symptoms of esophageal ulcer
What are Esophageal Ulcers? An esophageal ulcer is an open, painful, sore or wound located in the lower part of the esophagus — the tube that links your throat...

Warts on tongue
Warts are benign epithelial tumors caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They can affect the skin as well as all mucosal areas of the body. Oral warts may affect any...

Chronic dry mouth
Saliva is an important substance when it comes to oral hygiene. As well as keeping our mouth moist and clean, it also helps to control the levels of bacteria and...

About uvula function
The uvula is an elongated hanging piece of tissue that projects from the soft palate above the back of the tongue. It is a grape-shaped structure composed of mucus membrane...

Ear tube problems
A few words about the ear tubes Ear tubes are very small passages located through the ear drum and their purpose is to allow the optimal amount of the air...