Post nasal drip is the logical consequence of some more intense inflammation of the upper respiratory system, and it is characterized, as the name already says it all, by the increased accumulation of the mucus in the back of the throat due to the dripping from the nose. The most prominent indicator of this condition is the particular sensation of having a lump in the throat if the mucus is sticky and dense, or the sensation of the liquid dripping all the way to the throat. So, when the act of coughing is accompanying symptom of the original inflammation or the consequence of the drip, it usually results to be productive, that is, followed by the mucus.

This case scenario most frequently happens in among the small children and during the period of the year which is characterized by the increased hay fever occurrences. Besides the allergic reaction, the usual triggers of the inflammations are also the influenza, sinusitis, rhinitis and common cold, acid reflux, the disrupted balance of the hormones, and some harmful substances from the artificial medications.
How to deal with it?
This condition is not among the life-threatening ones, however, it should be treated right away after being noticed because it can make the problem even more complex, by triggering another infection of the nasal membranes and the sinuses, for instance. So, the most troublesome is the accompanying cough which can be very persistent because it is the response to rather permanent tickling felt in the throat. Also, if the problem persists, and the productive cough is followed with swallowing that mucus, it can lead to having the urge for throwing up.
As far as the treatment of this annoying condition followed by the constant cough is concerned, it is essentially important to deal primarily with the provoker of it and not only alleviate the symptoms, however troublesome they may be. For example, the drugs that annihilate bacteria will be recommended in the case of the infectious process provoked by the entrance of these microorganisms, while the condition will be treated with antihistamines if the trigger for this cough and the drip is triggered by the allergic response of the organism.
Nevertheless, when it comes to the treatment based on the homemade natural remedies, the most beneficial is the irrigation of the nasal and mouth cavities by the solution of the salt and water. The immunity and the defensive mechanism of the body will be encouraged by the increased intake of garlic. It is also very beneficial to provide enough of water to the organism and to inhale the steam frequently.
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