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White tongue with red spots

White tongue with red spots

There is a popular belief that oral cavity health is a good reflection of the overall health of a person. Therefore, whenever one develops a disorder or disease in the...

Arm pain after sneezing

Arm pain after sneezing

Arm pain after sneezing: What does it feel like? Strangely enough, arm pain and sneezing can be linked. Different people can experience different types of arm pain when they...

Swollen epiglottis

Swollen epiglottis

What Is the Epiglottis? The epiglottis is a "flap" in the throat that consists of elastic cartilage attached to the basis of the tongue. This leaf-shaped organ is situated right next...

Itchy throat at night

Itchy throat at night

Itchy Throat: A Cause of Many Sleepless Nights Suffering from an itchy throat at night is, unfortunately, one of many things capable of completely preventing you from sleeping when you...

Sore throat and swollen glands

Sore throat and swollen glands

Numerous medical conditions can saddle you with a sore throat and swollen cervical glands. Any inflammation of the throat — whether it's caused by bacterial, viral or fungal infections — always...

Fish oil helps improve periodontitis

Fish oil helps improve periodontitis

Periodontitis is a horrible mouth disease that may start off with bleeding gums and tartar, causes receding gums and dental pockets, and can even make parts of the jaw bone...

Bleeding Gums during Pregnancy

Bleeding Gums during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is considered a rather delicate state and the body is under specific stress. There are many changes and women tend to get frightened even in case of minor disturbances...

How to treat a sinus infection

How to treat a sinus infection

In order to cure sinus infections, the cause of the problem must be identified. It is important also to be aware of whether you are dealing with either acute of...