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The problem of the pressure in the sinuses

The infection of the sinus cavities, or, to be more exact, of the inner mucous membrane which is located over the walls of the sinuses, is usually provoked by the entrance of allergens and virus or bacteria into the nose from the environmental air. The natural bodily response to the infection is the inflammatory process, which is always manifested as the swelling of the mentioned membranes and the increased secretion of the mucus.

Therefore, the built up mucus and the enlargement of the membranes volume make the air passage more and more narrow, until the total blockage happens, which is medically called congestion, occurs. That is why the most troublesome accompanying problem of this condition is the pain in the head which could be described as the dull one, due to the increased pressure in the sinus cavities. Also, the discomfort is a lot like the sensation of having very heavy head.

How to deal with this discomfort?

Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to deal with the pressure, and the most beneficial ones are the natural ways. A lot of the people uses the drops and sprays for the removal of the blockage in the nose, which could be bought over the counter in pharmacies, and they do provide the quickest relief. However, they cannot be used for a longer period of time and they are rich in substances that can create the addiction.

So, the best are the natural remedies, and one of the most popular is the simple remedy, the tea based on some aromatic herb or oil, which gives out the steam that should be inhaled. That way the mucus turns out to be less dense the natural way and, additionally, the cavities are filled with the steam rich in the antiseptic agents, which reduces the infection. More invasive though, is the irrigation of the cavities, and the best way to do that is with the salty water, in which little bit of baking soda should be diluted, too. The consumption of the hot and spicy foods is also recommendable, since it is also rich in both; the antiseptic agents and the agents that reduce the swelling and make the mucus less solid.

Of course, in addition, it is advisable to increase the intake of the liquids, to stay away from the cold foods and drinks and to sleep in a little bit upper position in order to encourage the mucus to flow down. Also, the condition is to be treated with the antihistamines, if the trigger of it is the allergic response.

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