Tooth extraction complications
Tooth extraction is a routine procedure that many people have to do for different reasons. Sometimes the tooth is so decayed that it is beyond salvation, and sometimes one or...

Impetigo rash facts
How to Recognize Signs of Impetigo Rash? Impetigo is a highly contagious infection of the skin, which is bacterial in nature, and it is also known as school sores. It...

Werewolf syndrome facts
Many diseases and disorders can affect the human body since it is very sensitive despite its immune system, which is the body’s natural defense mechanism. Some diseases or disorders...

Pectoral muscles facts
Several muscle groups should be exercised. Some would say that all muscles should be equally developed, but that is hard to achieve and usually leads to professional bodybuilding, which takes...

Olestra side effects
What is Olestra and When Should it be Used? Olestra is a chemical substitute for fat, and it belongs to the group of fats that are not absorbed in the...

Pulled groin recovery
Groin Pull - Overview A groin pull is a type of injury that features with sprain and damage to the adductor muscles located in the inner thigh. This injury commonly...

About cholinergic urticaria
Cholinergic urticaria is a subtype of urticaria that features a sudden skin reaction. The condition occurs due to hypersensitivity to body heat. It typically develops after exercise, exposure to the...

High alkaline phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase (abbreviated as ALP) is a group of hydrolase enzymes present in the human body. There are several ALP isoenzymes, known as ALP1, ALP2 and ALP3. ALP1 is usually...

Rash on thighs
Characteristics of Thigh Rash Many people, especially those who are obese, tend to suffer from thigh rashes affecting mostly the places where their skin is folded. This is due to...

Burdock root side effects
Information on Burdock Root Burdock root originates from northern Asia and Europe, but now it commonly grows in the United States as well. It is popular because of its numerous...