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History of hemophilia disease

History of hemophilia disease

Hemophilia Diagnosis and Treatment History Hemophilia was first detected by the Jewish people, who created circumcision laws that imply the discovery of the condition as well as the fact it...

Treatment for sociopath

Treatment for sociopath

A sociopath is a person suffering from antisocial personality disorder. He/she considers themselves the most significant person in the entire world. Even though these individuals may appear charming and outgoing...

High fever in toddlers

High fever in toddlers

High fever is a common symptom of many illnesses that affect toddlers. If the body temperature exceeds 102 ºF, a child is considered to suffer from a high fever. The...

Broken rib causes, symptoms and treatment

Broken rib causes, symptoms and treatment

Ribs are long and curved bones, and together with the breast bone and thoracic vertebrae, they form the rib cage. They are rather strong and too strong to be broken...

Benefits of tanning bed

Benefits of tanning bed

Indoor Tanning and Tanning Beds A tanning bed is an indoor device that emits ultraviolet radiation with the help of several fluorescent lamps and is commonly used to obtain a...

Constant stomach ache

Constant stomach ache

Self Evaluating a Constant Stomach Ache There are many reasons for stomach ache, some of which are serious while others are not. It is always recommended to go to your...

Types of gastric bypass surgery

Types of gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is the type of surgical procedure usually performed on obese patients to lose weight. This surgery changes the anatomy of the patient’s stomach, creating a smaller stomach...

Aching legs at night

Aching legs at night

Disturbed Sleep and Aching Legs Many things can affect our sleep. As we all know, good sleep is very important since it boosts our energy, which is necessary for proper...

Tingling and numbness in fingers

Tingling and numbness in fingers

Tingling sensation can be described as if the skin is being pinched or poked with pins and needles. Numbness, on the other hand, is a disturbance in which the skin...

Starchy foods list

Starchy foods list

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all necessary for the normal and healthy functioning of the body. As for carbs, there are three different types, including sugar, starch, and dietary fibers...