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Home remedies for back pain

Home remedies for back pain

Back pain can vary from mild to excruciating, but it always causes significant discomfort. Sometimes it makes it difficult or impossible to sit, lie down or walk. In any case...

Melatonin supplement side effects

Melatonin supplement side effects

Characteristics and importance of melatoninMelatonin is a very important hormone that the pineal glandproduces. This gland is located in the brain and the production of this hormoneis stimulated by darkness...

Home remedies for boils

Home remedies for boils

Boils and the most important factsBoils are actually a form of a skin infection that is manifested through red, round and painful swelling, which usually appear on the neck, thighs...

Mosaic down syndrome

Mosaic down syndrome

It is estimated that mosaic Down syndrome accounts for approximately 2 to 4% of all cases of Down syndrome. In order for a person to fully understand the term mosaicism...

Bad effects of plastic surgery

Bad effects of plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is a medical procedure aimed to correct and restore form or function of various parts of human body. Plastic surgery also involves all kinds of reconstructive surgical procedures...

Carbon dioxide in blood

Carbon dioxide in blood

Carbon dioxide andthe human bodyCO2 is regarded asquite important due to the role it has in our bodies. Basically, it representsthe waste product of the cellular metabolism, which is exhaled...

Pinworms in children review

Pinworms in children review

The pinworm is a nematode and a common human intestinal parasite. Pinworms are thin and white, measuring about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch (5 to 13 millimeters) in length. The...

Kiwi fruit nutrition facts

Kiwi fruit nutrition facts

IntroductionKiwi fruit is very popular because it provides the humanbody with various essential nutrients and it also provides numerous differenttypes of health benefits. It should be included into everyone’s daily...

Blood clot in the brain

Blood clot in the brain

Blood clot in the brain is medically known as ischemic stroke. The blood coagulates inside certain blood vessels in the brain, forms a clot and blocks the blood flow. The...

Fever blisters on lips

Fever blisters on lips

Fever blisters or cold sores, as they are also called, usually appear on the lips, sometimes around the mouth or even inside the mouth. They can be painful, itchy, they...