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A massage chair with shiatsu massage

A massage chair with shiatsu massage

Shiatsu massage is an ancient Chinese stress removal technique, which was later introduced in Japan as well. Being very effective, shiatsu is used all over the world, helping people deal...

About serum ferritin

About serum ferritin

IntroductionFerritin which is present in the bloodstream of a human is called serum ferritin. It is in charge of storing and using different sorts of proteins in the human body...

About psychoanalytic theory

About psychoanalytic theory

Psychoanalysis is a term that describes techniques and theories that are used to examine the motives or thought processes that define an individual's outward behavior. Psychoanalytic techniques are vital to...

Chronic syphilis facts

Chronic syphilis facts

Syphilis is one of many sexually transmitted diseases which, if left untreated, can be quite severe. The infection is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, a member of a species...

Acute compartment syndrome

Acute compartment syndrome

Compartment syndrome is a condition manifesting through swelling of a certain part of one’s body, where the pressure created from the swelling blocks the blood supply to the area, disallowing...

Natural remedies for ADHD children

Natural remedies for ADHD children

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is problem of the nervous system which usually appears in children. Kids suffering from this disorder very quickly lose any interests in things happening...

Health benefits of ginger

Health benefits of ginger

Ginger is pale yellowish root that can be consumed whole, as a spice or as a delicacy. The stem of the plant is what is in current use. Ginger originated...

Health benefits of ginger and garlic

Health benefits of ginger and garlic

Ginger Ginger has been used for centuries as food and medicine. Chinese records dating from the 4th century BC, referred that ginger is effective in treating nausea, abdominal pain, toothache...

Side effects of paludrine

Side effects of paludrine

Paludrine is one of the medicines which are used in the prevention of malaria, or, more precisely, in the prevention of some types of this disease. The reason why it...

Best supplements for triathletes

Best supplements for triathletes

Triathletes Need a Lot of EnergyTriathletes are sportsmen who compete in all 3 of swimming, running and biking. In order to endure such difficult races they need a lot of...