Herbs for eyesight
IntroductionThere are numerous herbal remedies which can be very helpful in improving one’s eyesight. One can see more clearly by maintaining natural eye care and a proper diet with all...

Painful shoulder and chest
Neck, chest, and shoulder are innervated by branches of the same nerve. This means that problem in one of these areas may cause pain in other two areas. Typical causes...

Frozen foods diet
IntroductionFrozen-food diet is based on frozen food packed intended for the weight reduction and it is easy to prepare. It is mostly the food that is convenient for microwave. This...

Healthy heart foods
Foods for a Healthy Heart Healthy eating habits should be introduced in the diet to maintain health of the heart and cardiovascular system. Daily food intake should not be overly...

Surgery for prolapsed bowel
Rectal ProlapseRectal prolapse is a condition in which walls of rectum protrude through the anus. A rectocele occurs when the rectum pushes through the back wall of the vagina. Both...

Painful loss of vision
Loss of VisionLoss of vision affects patients of different age and may result as a consequence of numerous conditions. Some patients complain about blurring, fogging or dimming of the vision...

Homeopathic remedy for urine infection
Urinary infectionFrequent urination, followed by discomfort or pain, changes of the urine color and smell are often the signs of urinary infection. If the infection lasts for a while, symptoms...

Complications after getting wisdom teeth removed
Wisdom tooth removal is a serious surgical procedure that requires carefully conducted post-operative treatment. Post-operative care will minimize the possible complications of infection and swelling.After the surgeryThe surgical area is...

Complex regional pain syndrome
Complex regional pain syndrome is a condition which features with chronic pain. It is thought that the pain originates from dysfunction of either central or peripheral nervous system. Patients suffering...

Beta carotene toxicity
Beta carotene belongs to a group of chemical compounds necessary for proper synthesis of vitamin A. It can be found in certain vegetables and gives them typical yellow- orange color...