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About bioidentical hormones

About bioidentical hormones

Bioidentical hormones are, as the name suggests, chemically identical to human hormones. They are usually derived from plants and they have the same chemical formula as hormones produced by the...

Health benefits of ginger root

Health benefits of ginger root

Information on Ginger RootGinger is a perennial herb which originates from India and China. It has been used as a medication and in cooking as well for numerous centuries. It...

Side effects of cialis

Side effects of cialis

CialisCialis is a medication which is given to the men who have problems with achieving erection. Cialis improves the circulation and relaxes the muscles. This medication can be taken only...

Surgery for fistula

Surgery for fistula

Fistula is anomalous passage in the body which connects two cavities. These cavities are normally separated by their walls and in case of fistula the wall is interrupted. Fistula may...

Complications of being overweight

Complications of being overweight

These days obesity represents one of the major health issues. The disease affects are all the generations and today even the number of obesed children is extremely high. Being obese...

Pain in lower right abdomen

Pain in lower right abdomen

Pain in the lower right abdomen is located on the right side of the stomach under the belly button. Obviously it does not necessarily have to berestricted solely to that...

Symptoms of night blindness

Symptoms of night blindness

What is night blindness?Night blindness is usually characterized by having difficulties seeing in poor light and being unable to see properly at night. The medical term for night blindness is...

Healthy snacks ideas

Healthy snacks ideas

In cases that you want to detox your body to improve your health, we will provide you with the some ideas for snacks. Depending of kind of detox and your...

Complications of prostate cancer

Complications of prostate cancer

Prostate is a small gland that produces seminal fluid which nourishes and transports sperm. Prostate cancer is a common type of cancer in men. It develops slowly in most cases...

Causes of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Causes of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

General DataGeneralized anxiety disorder (GAD) is condition recognized by constant exaggerated worry about the everyday circumstances without actual cause. Affected people have anxieties concerning work, family and health and always...