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Side effects of cipralex

Side effects of cipralex

What is Cipralex ?Antidepressant drugs in generally have an effect on nerve cells in the brain. Messengers between these cells are chemical compounds called neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Serotonin induces...

Surgery for prolapsed womb

Surgery for prolapsed womb

Womb ProlapsePelvic floor muscles and supporting ligaments keep the womb in its place. When these muscles and ligaments begin to weaken or loose their elasticity, the womb starts to drop...

Painful lump in armpit

Painful lump in armpit

When a person has a lump in the armpit, it is usually caused by an enlarged lymph node, or even several, located under the arm. The causes of this condition...

Healthy kale recipes

Healthy kale recipes

Kale is a Brassica family vegetable that is sturdy and works its magic in stews, pastas and gratin. Kale belongs in the identical family of vegetables that cabbage is located...

Laser surgery for warts

Laser surgery for warts

Warts- backgroundTheseunpleasant looking and feeling growths, besides the fact that they can turn upjust about anywhere on the person’s body, are also of the benign nature. As far asthe rate...

Painful tattoos

Painful tattoos

Does It Hurt and How Much?Getting a tattoo at one point in life is a thought that crosses minds of many people. However, many decide not to get it done...

Anti inflammatory foods list

Anti inflammatory foods list

There are many different health issues that are related directly to inflammation such as heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer's disease. There are also many ways to reduce such inflammation...

Provillus treatment with Minoxidil

Provillus treatment with Minoxidil

Information on Provillus TreatmentProvillus combines minoxidil with different types of herbal supplements and vitamins and it is a treatment for all those who suffer from hair loss. It is very...

Hyperkalemia treatment

Hyperkalemia treatment

Taking a closer look to hyperkalemiaHyperkalemia is the medical term for the condition which is marked by the abnormally increased amount of the mineral potassium in the blood. It is...

Pancreatitis dietary guidelines

Pancreatitis dietary guidelines

Pancreas and PancreatitisPancreas is a gland, located in the abdominal cavity, just behind the stomach. It is connected with small intestine and it produces and excretes endocrine and exocrine hormones...